Virtual Poster Session of the 2025 Clinical Trials Training Summit.

The Poster Section showcases the ongoing research of the 2024-25 cohort of recipients of a Clinical Trial Training Award [Graduate and Postdoctoral Studentships and Fellowships, Clinical Research Professional Internships and Summer Studentships] from the partnering Clinical Trails Training Platforms (CTTPs) of CANTRAIN, CAN-TAP-TALENT, CBITN and StroekCOG.

During the Poster Sessions of the Summit, like each year, a Poster Presentation Competition is organized for the Graduate and Postdoctoral Studentship and Fellowship Awardees from the 4 CTTPs.

Each Competition Participant presents to a panel of judges for 5 minutes followed by 5 minutes for engagement through Q&A. Based on the scores from the judges, prizes are announced for the first, second and third places in each category of Master’s, Doctoral and Postdoctoral.

We proudly present the Virtual Poster Session and the Poster Presentation Competition entries for the 2025 Clinical Trials Training Summit!

Please note that you are about to enter a restricted access area. Only individuals who have officially registered for the conference and received a specific access code/password or link can enter this part of the virtual event space.


Nadine Al Hage Ali

Deb Baranec

Nárlon Boa Sorte Silva

Eileen Davidson

Linda Hunter

Munaza Jamil

Nadia Khan

Malcolm King

Caroline Jose

Linda Li

Suzanne Morin

Aresh Sepehri

Jean Smart




Posters Clinical Research Professional

Posters Summer Student

2025 Clinical Trials Training Summit Sponsors



Friends of CANTRAIN